
Energy and Natural Resources Translations

Canada is considered one of the largest energy producers and highest per-capita energy consumers in the world. With the ever-increasing demand for energy, mineral and renewable resources, the energy industry is experiencing increased demand for translation services to meet global communication needs.

LWT Communications manages technical and marketing translation projects in the following specialized technical areas: petroleum production and refining, natural gas, mining, nuclear energy, wind, and solar energy.

Advanced and complex technologies in the domain of oil and natural resources require an in-depth knowledge of industry terminologies. Your projects are assigned to native-language subject matter experts in the relevant areas. 

For more information about our project team structure and process, and what you can expect, click here.

Translated content includes, but is not limited to the following: regulatory and compliance documents, environmental regulations and compliance, procedure manuals, quality manuals, training material, environmental policy statements, environmental statements, and more.